Deca`s Foxhole

Welcome to my personal blog, where I delve into the unsettling realm of mind control and electronic harassment. Through my own experiences, perceptions, and extensive research, I aim to shed light on this disturbing phenomenon from my unique point of view.

Imagine a foxhole, a defensive fighting position. In a similar vein, I firmly believe that, as ordinary human beings, we are under attack through various means and methods. How did I arrive at this conclusion? Well, I became a victim of mind control and electronic harassment technology, which completely upended my world. It forced me to question everything and adopt a different perspective, leading me down a path of intense research. However, I soon discovered that I was not alone in this struggle. There are countless others who have fallen victim to these insidious tactics, and many more are awakening to the same reality.

This blog serves as a concise overview of mind control and electronic harassment, sharing both my personal experiences and the knowledge I have gathered along the way. To navigate through the content, simply use the buttons at the top of the page. Additionally, I encourage you to explore the bigger picture and stay informed about current events through my “BLOGNOCULARS” blog roll.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.
